

Prečítajte si, čo o koučingu so mnou hovoria moji klienti.

Priznávam, že som na začiatku koučingu veľmi neverila, ale teraz som veľmi rada, že ma kamarátka presvedčila.
Koučing s Michalom bolo to najlepšie, čo som mohla sama pre seba urobiť. Som rada, že som sa s ním stretla. Postupne som na našich stretnutiach zisťovala, že mám v sebe oveľa viac sily a odvahy, ako som si myslela. Môj život sa začal posúvať tým správnym smerom. Ešte je predo mnou veľa práce, ale teraz už viem, že nikdy nie je neskoro, začať meniť svoj život k lepšiemu.


Koučing osobne

I found Michal, at a point of my life where most of my goals and paths were mixed up. Fear, worries, unfortunate experiences and burdens from the past was adding fuel to the fire. I was totally messed up and burnt out at that point. Quite fortunate that I came across Michal, who immediately started to take right action to guide me and make sure that we get back on track. He has been an avid listener and compassionate person, working steadily with a practical approach to get me realigned with my goals. The fact that he wants to make me feel comfortable and focus on the positive effects of the sessions, caring much less about financials, helped me build up a trust with him, and henceforth working positively together. He has been always proactive and willing to offer me help and assistance in this journey. I have been having sessions for a while now and really glad about the results. Thanks Michal


Skype Coaching in English

I can’t express with words how good I felt after the coaching session with Michal. My level of confidence increased dramatically and since them I’ve been doing the things I wanted but didn’t feel like I could. Thank you very much for the guidance and for new perspectives you helped me achieve. 

Skype coaching in English

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- Motivačné a inšpiratívne články z blogu víť do vašej schránky

- Nástroje, pracovné zošity a iné praktické tipy ako sa posúvať vpred (iba pre členov)

- Špeciálne ponuky koučingu (iba pre členov)

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